Sunday, October 19, 2014

#041 - Busy busy busy. A late post and plans to make another video. (HRT 1 year, 3 months)

 Sunday, October 19, 2014

So...... yeah sorry about the lateness of this post. I made a second YouTube video and it's been out for a couple of weeks already. I've been meaning to edit it a little as well as post it here, but I'm just so busy. School, work, and now hanging out with even more new friends on the weekend. Plus I have a midterm to take, another quiz, an essay, and a huge end term paper to write. The first three I need to finish tonight but have neglected. I meant to work on them earlier today, but I procrastinated and waited until after the new Walking Dead episode.

Anyways, here's the second YouTube video:

Anyways, I'd like to make another video tomorrow if I can. I'm going to try to make one tomorrow night about how to obtain HRT. I see this question a LOT on Reddit and I think it just needs to be addressed.

Yesterday I attended a Halloween party, hosted by an Atheist Humanist group I found on Meetup. I was super nervous and afraid I would be called out as trans. It's an irrational fear since they're all Humanists, but it was still scary. I went in full girl mode in my Halloween costume. My biggest issues were facial hair and adams apple. Fortunately the makeup covered the what hair I have left and my scarf covered the apple.

Still. I thought it would look a lot better than it did. It was "supposed" to be a character straight out of the movie Pleasantville, but it ended up looking like 1950s zombie girl. The paint cracked and chipped away so much that it looked awful. Here's the pic:

I looked back at the pictures and cringed. I really really look fat and bloated. That's a wake up call for me to get my fat butt back to the gym. Find some time somewhere in my busy schedule and go running, at least for a half an hour a day would be great.

I'm going to try and squeeze in a half hour of running around the block after work and before school starts. That means I'll have to eat dinner at school which can be tricky.

And that's about it for now. I'm actually supposed to be doing my homework right now.
