Monday, August 3, 2015

#047 - Way overdue with a post. Lots of cooking. Two years of HRT.

August 03, 2015 -  Monday

Wow, it's been about five months since last I posted here. I haven't abandoned this blog and I haven't given up on the videos either. Life gets hectic and things come up. I do plan on making a number of videos in the near future, and I know I've promised that in the past and failed to deliver, but I mean it this time. I'm no longer employed and going to school full time in night classes. My roommate works during the day so I have an entire morning to make a video. Some weekends as well.

I asked around on Reddit to see if anyone would be interested in a cooking channel by a trans woman, and the responses were overwhelmingly positive. I just made sushi last night and it came out pretty well. Starting up a few cooking videos along with trans specific videos might work out really well. Cooking for myself is turning out to be a bit cheaper than buying premade meals or eating out.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this in a previous blog post, but I also have a website now that lists all the scientific facts, journals, and research regarding sexuality, gender identity, and intersex. The website is here:

It's very bare-bone basic and still needs a bit of work, but it turned out OK. I was hoping it would catch on and go viral, but it seems not to be. That's OK though. And to be honest, I've been kinda neglecting the sight like I've been neglecting this blog and YouTube series. My interest in anything video games and electronics in general is starting to wane. They just don't hold my interest like they used to. I can't sit down and play a video game for more than an hour without getting fidgety and bored.

Anyways, I've really started to get into cooking. I'm loving it, it's my new go-to relaxation hobby. Runners get their high from running, I get my high from cooking. Here's a few pictures of my latest creations:

Homemade sushi filled with sticky rice, carrots, cucumbers, apple slices, wasabi sauce, teriyaki tofu, and wrapped in seaweed sheets.

Grilled pineapple wedges covered in spiced caramel glaze.

Homemade peanut brittle. I tied and glued the ribbon on the jar myself too.

Flaky garlic bread rolls.

I love love love to cook. But anyways, I'm no longer employed at the machine shop. I left on good terms and the military is paying me to go to college. The downside to this is that I no longer have health insurance. It wasn't worth a damn to begin with, but it did cover my medications and most doctor visits. Now I have no coverage at all and am trying to figure out what to do. I'll have to look at the affordable care act website for possible health insurance options.

I'm still going to school and I may be switching to day classes soon. The program director despises the night classes as they're full of problems and issues. Night classes have the worst instructors and are full of students who are already exhausted from the day and are struggling just to get through the night. Day class students are very on the ball and enthusiastic about the classes. I think it would be far more beneficial to join them than to stay in the drudgery of the night classes.

Laser hair removal is still progressing at a decent pace. I just had my fifth session a few days ago and my face is still red and nasty. I've been avoiding social interactions in these past few days. I want to make a video about lessons learned in the past two years sometime soon. Definitely not until my face heals up though.

And that should be it for updates. I have a lot of homework that I've been neglecting.

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