Monday, July 28, 2014

#037 - Found another transgender mormon video, passing a lot more often, and hosting tiny chat sessions. (HRT 1 year)

Monday, July 28, 2014

So I'm currently on a week long vacation from work. I still have school at night, but the mornings are all mine. I'm not really doing anything special. Just cleaning, working out, homework, and around-town errands.

I found another mormon transgender video on Reddit. I'm an Atheist now and no longer believe in god, but it's very moving and I'm glad to see the church finally leaving hate behind, if only a couple of members at a time. The leadership of the church is still mired in hatred and bigotry, but some members are turning toward sanity.

Aside from that, I've been trying to work up the courage to go full time. Facial hair and adams apple are still a huge problem and giveaway, but I'm pushing forward. By pushing forward, I mean being dragged kicking and screaming by roommates and friends to be more feminine :-P

This is my poor attempt at being more feminine. I still refuse to give up my old male hobbies such as video games, paintball, and airsoft. In fact, I'm buying a new airsoft gun this weekend. It's an MP9 and it's a lot lighter than my old M4. It weighs a lot less, is more compact, and is gas powered. The only downside is the magazines only hold 48 rounds each and are expensive. Still, it's basically a fully automatic pistol with a shoulder stock :-)

I'll try to be feminine and retain my tomboy hobbies and interests at the same time. It'll be difficult though. I'll take a few pictures and maybe record a few videos of action on the airsoft field for ya'll. Should be fun.

Anyways, I've started hosting Tiny Chat sessions every Sunday on the /r/asktransgender forums. Yesterday was the third one and it seems to be growing in popularity. I'm not always on, but it's hosted here at 5:30 pm EST on Sundays:

Anyone is welcome to join, provided they're civil and polite. No nastiness, no nudity, no sexual talk. The channel receives minors all the time so I'd like to keep it G rated. Otherwise Chris Hansen might pay me a visit :-P

For at home, I seem to be passing far more often. My voice still sounds like shit and I haven't been practicing. The couple of selfies I took above have been my best so far (no, not the Zena pic). There are some better pictures, but they came out blurry and terrible. Still, after 30 some odd years, I finally saw myself in the mirror for the first time. I broke down in tears and bawled for hours with joy. I had so many fears at the beginning and I'm so very happy with how things have currently turned out. I'm not done yet, there are still a couple of milestones to reach, but I think going full time by the end of this year is entirely possible and realistic.

I've been dabbling on the Omegle website and 9 times out of 10 I'm gendered correctly which blows my mind. People say I'm far more beautiful than I think I am (I have a very low opinion of my looks and body weight). Boobs are starting to become more shapely which is nice, but they still mostly have the shape of those orange road cones.

I think I've given up on the idea of getting vocal surgery within the next couple of years. I only have a limited amount of time left where I'm receiving all this extra money from the government for school. I have to ration it out and knock out the most important ones first. Definitely a tracea shave is first. Followed by either breast augmentation or FFS. It's looking like I'll only be able to get two surgeries at most.

Lastly, A friend recommended to me this spray on stuff that's supposed to ease the pain of electrolysis:

I haven't used it yet, but when the doctor starts working on mustache, I'm definitely going to need any pain reliever I can get. It's gonna hurt badly.

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