Friday, September 12, 2014

#039 - Went out in full girl mode, denial of health insurance again, and possibly a date this weekend. (HRT 1 year 2 months)

Friday, September 12, 2014

So last weekend I hung out with fellow LGBT friends and I was in full girl mode. We went to the monthly transgender meeting at the LGBT center where we acted like total goofballs texting each other goofy stuff. Then we went to a friends house for video game night. We also grabbed some fast food on the way over.

I wouldn't exactly call that going full time or fully out-n-about, but it was the first time I shed off all boy cloths and went out as me. Scary as hell, but it was nice. I also had my hair straightened which looked AMAZING!!!!! :-)

Anyways, more garbage from my useless health insurance, Anthem BC/BS. They've decided that, while they're happy to take my money, they will no longer provide me with any service whatsoever, for anything. Of course, I'm appealing and I fully intend to fight this all the way, but it's such a pain in the butt. Attorneys may have to be involved, lawsuits, win/loss, appeals, on and on. I refuse to back down on this.

The last little bit is that I think I may have a date tonight with a guy I met on a dating website. He seems nice, is super nerdy, and totally OK with me being transgender. He had a hard time actually asking me out, his messages danced around the idea, but he couldn't say it because he's shy.

He'd say things like "Gosh cutie and maybe a date?" and "We should sometime." To which I responded with "Are you asking?" and "LOL are you asking or suggesting?" He finally came around to saying yes and he's too shy to come out and say it. I have a feeling he might flake out which is OK, I don't mind. I'll remain cautiously optimistic yet prepared for disappointment.

And that's about it. I'm a year and two months on HRT which is awesome. I'm still fighting with facial hair which is taking FOREVER to have removed, and yay boobs. I bought a few nice padded bras that look freaking amazing. Makes all the tops I wear really pop.

I might start recording YouTube videos soon. It's something I knew from the start that I wanted to do. There are certain people I'd like to thank for inspiration, Jordan and her channel minorqback for example. I've seen lots of YouTube videos from other trans women, but hers really spoke to me in a way none of the others could. Here's this girl who's a feminine tomboy and into sports, something I can really relate to. I don't really have much interest in the outlandish cutesy pink girly thing. Other trans women have that covered like PrincessJoules.

I intend on recording to video my personal experiences and the things I've learned along the way. Jordan doesn't make videos anymore, she's apparently fallen off the radar and that's to be expected I think. In a few years I won't be writing or making videos either. I won't be a trans female, I'll just be a female and move on with life. I don't think I'd like to wave the trans flag for the rest of my life, metaphorically speaking. Some can and do which is appreciated, but I don't think I could and I certainly wouldn't fault anyone who couldn't either.

At the risk of sounding arrogant and self serving, I'd like to carry the torch for a little while via helpful YouTube videos. I'd like to contribute and show others another face of a trans female and give reassurances the way I received through videos.

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