Sunday, September 8, 2013

#007 - Breaking diet, upping HRT dosage and laziness in blogging. (HRT day 5)

Sunday, July 07, 2013

So I initially had the thought that I would write in this diary every day about my thoughts and experiences. I also thought I would take a picture a day and a signature a day to document every little thing about my transition. I gotta say that didn't work out. That's a LOT of effort to keep up on and remember. I'm far too busy/lazy to do that.

I recently up'ed my dosage of spiro and E to 100mg and 2mg per day. Far sooner than expected. I really just wanted to start E on the forth of July because it's an easy date to remember when this all officially started. I wanted to start on my birthday, June 15th, but there was a problem with the online pharmacy I ordered from. InternationalDrugMart turned out to be a total scam and I had to file a charge-back to get my money back. They refused to send what I paid for and refused to give me my money back.

Currently I'm holding to that dosage, but the temptation to raise it is always on my mind. Most DIY girls stick to a dosage of 200mg and 4mg, but I'm only doing half that to start. I'm not sure when I want to reach that. Maybe by the end of this month. I want to start cycling the Provera on the 1st of August.

So far DIY seems to be ok. It's only been three days so far, but the only changes I've experienced are mild to weak headaches and mild acne on my arms. My body weight has dropped down to 188 lbs which is good since I started at 210 lbs. I don't attribute the loss to the hormones. It's only been three days, geez. Nope, it's just working out at the gym consistently and eating mostly right.

Speaking of which, lately I've been splurging a little more on my diet. Today I had Taco Bell for lunch and a soda. Not happy about it since yesterday I had a monster energy drink and some candy. Those energy drinks seem to be my go-to food for comfort when I have a bad or mediocre day.
I still hold onto hope that this HRT and weight loss will all work out in the end. It's seems very easy to get impatient with all of this. Still, 20 lbs loss in one month isn't bad at all. I don't really see it in the mirror though. I still have a muffin top and I'm still really concerned that my shoulder mass won't shrink enough to pass. Time will tell I guess.

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