Sunday, September 8, 2013

#012 - Lazy entries, doubts about "fake HRT pills" fading and concerns about coming out (HRT day 52)

 Friday, August 23, 2013

So yeah I know, it's been almost a month since I last wrote here. So far I've been taking my HRT every day like I should. For the longest time I had serious doubts that it would work or even if the hormones I bought were even real. I thought I was getting scammed.

I think I was wrong which is a good thing. It started off gradually, but I'm starting to experience more emotional mood swings. I'm not really sure why or if it's even the cause of the mood swings. But I think I'm starting to become more emotional. I'll go from brooding to giggling to myself to smiling and back to sad then normal in the span of an hour or so. It's really hard to tell if it's the HRT or not. I am certainly feeling a lot less aggressive though. That is for sure. I still get annoyed by coworkers, enough to say something I probably shouldn't. But for the most part the aggressive feeling is mostly gone.

I need to go and take another picture of myself for comparison. I haven't done that in a while. Mostly because I haven't been shaving and I don't like how I look with facial hair. While on that subject, I think I may finally be ready for electrolysis. I think I'm now able to afford it sometime either this month or starting next. I may have to ask my supervisor if I can duck out of work early now and then.

So an interesting twist of events happened this week. I already told my sister about my transition and she was super supportive about it. She just came out to me about wanting to be a guy. I'm transitioning into a girl, she's considering transitioning into a guy, and we're both from the same religious conservative family whom we've mostly cut ties with. This has got to be a sitcom plot somehow because there's so much awkward revolving around this, it's scary.

My transition alone was going to be incredibly difficult to explain as is. Now that she's looking into it as well, it's going to really shake things up in a bad way. I'm financially stable on my own but I don't think she is. I'd have to ask.

Other than all that, not much is really going on. I'm trying to find the best way to tell my roommates but so far I haven't found the right way or time yet. My female roommate is always off either at work or at her boyfriends place. The male roommate is ALWAYS here, always on the couch, always watching wrestling, always drunk. I'm trying to think of the right way to tell him, if I even owe him that much. We don't fight or anything, but we also don't really get along either. If it wasn't for the fact that we were both in the Navy, He and I would have nothing to talk about between us.

I want to use the news article about Bradley Manning (now Chelsea Manning) as an ice breaker and a warmup for "The Talk", but he doesn't keep up with news of any kinds. He doesn't know who that is, nor much about politics and wikileaks in general. I wanted to talk to the female roommate first about it, but male roommate is ALWAYS there on the couch in the living room.

I almost came out to a coworker today. He's a pretty chill dude, but he's worried about secret bank finances he could exploit or if the government is shutting down or some apocalyptic thing or another. He doesn't rant or rave about it, he just calmly states what his opinion is on it (and yes, he does state that it's his opinion and not fact). Pretty rational and down to Earth for a conspiracy theorist. I broke the ice with him about Bradley Chelsea Manning and he said that's cool I guess. He didn't seem phased about it or anything. I was working out a way to tell him when he was called away to work on something else. That's how it usually goes.

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