Sunday, September 8, 2013

#008 - A shorty. Feeling blah (HRT day 10)

Friday, July 12, 2013

So it's just been over a week now since I started HRT. I got a bit impatient and started my full dose of 200mg of spiro and 4mg of E. So far it seems ok, but I've been getting mild headaches as well as some chest pain. Not bad chest pain, barely noticeable, but enough to be mildly concerned about. Before my diet I used to get really bad heartburn. So bad that I couldn't sleep and would throw up often. This chest pain feeling is very reminiscent of that even though I haven't experienced heartburn since starting my diet. I'm also finding myself winded all the time. I need to get some blood work done asap.

Other than that, nothing really seems to have changed. I've read up on the first week being mostly uneventful which is what I think. What has changed so far is my right nipple areola has gotten a little larger. Not by much, but it's noticeably larger than the left. Still no sensitivity though.

My testicles have also noticeably shrank. They're about 70% the size they used to be. My sex drive seems to be still the same though. It's late tonight and I wanted to add more, but I'm literally falling asleep as I write this. Maybe tomorrow.

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